Modern Somali Mythology Ch. 06

Sundown in the town of Mogadishu, Somalia. With the darkness settling across the land, honest citizens retreated to their homes to await the return of the sun. The age-old metropolis has seen better days, but it has withstood everything from natural disasters to a brief American military invasion, and prior to that, multiple wars with neighboring Ethiopia and Italy, to name but a few. It is the town that Asha Elmi calls home, and she wouldn't trade it for the world. For three decades now, Asha has been the Xamuul Marwada or Sentinel Lady, a burden which she embraces with all of her might.

Peace is seldom long-lasting in Somalia, or anywhere on the planet earth, really. For a time due to covid, the radical groups stopped with their attacks upon urban centers, giving metropolitan Somalis a false sense of security. Deep down inside, the Somali people knew that the peace would not last. They hoped that the radicals had grown tired of killing and become cowed by the global plague. The truth was much more sinister. The radical groups dwell in the deep desert, and usually wander into the towns and villages to carry out attacks. Well, lately they've been silent, and everyone feels relieved. Everyone except Asha, of course.

Asha knew that the radicals had met with grisly ends, and they've been torn apart and consumed by a foe that was beyond even them. The monsters were back, and as usual, the weapons of mortal men were useless against them. What good was a rifle or even a grenade launcher against an undying monster that has walked the earth since before the time of the first crusade? With the rabble of the desert already consumed, the monsters were making their way to the cities and towns of Somalia. Once again, the Somali people were prey, and the Xamuul Marwada had to come out of retirement...

Of all the creatures that dwell upon the planet earth, humans have the worst memories. Most humans find it hard to remember a time when they were prey. The smart ones acknowledge that once upon a time, they were prey for wolves, lions, tigers and bears. Well, there were other things that dwelled in the primeval darkness before Man took control of the planet earth and transformed the environment. Monsters, the stuff of myth and legend. Many of those things had a craving for human flesh. The race of monsters didn't die off like so many of the things that once preyed upon Man. They simply went into hiding. Fortunately, a group of women have always fought the monsters, and those women are known as the Sentinels...

"What troubles you, beloved?" asked Abdisalam Elmi, and the tall, slender, silver-haired and dark-skinned Somali businessman wrapped his arms tenderly around his darling wife Asha. They'd been together for decades, and started a beautiful family together. The couple's sons Farah Elmi and Ammar Elmi were currently studying at the prestigious Addis Ababa Science and Technology University in the City of Addis Ababa, Capital of Ethiopia. Abdisalam and Asha led ordinary lives, running their small restaurant near downtown Mogadishu. Just another middle-aged couple eking out a living in the Somali heartland. Asha looked at Abdisalam and tenderly stroked his goateed chin. He found it annoying, but she really, really liked doing that to him.

"I worry about our people, that's all," Asha replied by way of explanation, and Abdisalam sighed, for he knew where this argument was going. Twenty two years ago when they met, the nation of Somalia was under attack from enemies both within and without. The American military thought they could play conqueror in Somalia, and soon wore out their welcome. Of course, the Somali people had a much more insidious enemy, the Hilib Cunid or Flesh Eaters, descendants of Dhegdheer, the Demon Queen of proto-Somali mythology.

"Monsters, I have here the head of your queen, Dhegdheer, if you return to Somalia's towns and cities, you will suffer the same fate," Asha declared, while brandishing her slain foe's head in the air. Dhegdheer's Army of Monsters, most of whom wore human disguises, gaped in shock and awe as Asha, a seemingly ordinary young Somali woman, stood over their leader's body. Dhegdheer had been around for thousands of years, and slaughtered more humans than could be counted. To see her vanquished by a mortal woman astonished the monsters...

Asha smiled victoriously as the monsters retreated, returning to the Underworld beneath the desert, which has been their dwelling for eons. While most Somalis would never learn the truth about the monsters in their midst, Abdisalam knew, and most importantly, he believed. Two decades ago, Abdisalam had been traveling in the desert with his parents when their Jeep got stuck in some quicksand. They happened to be near the lairs of a certain monster, and would have perished if Asha hadn't stepped in and saved them. The day Abdisalam watched Asha, a seemingly ordinary young woman, bravely battle and ultimately slay a monster, he swore he would have her as his wife. Asha was Abdisalam's hero, and more...

For a time, Asha and Abdisalam lived happily in the City of Mogadishu, but their peace was short-lived. In those days, most Somalis refused to believe in the monsters from the distant past, the things they feared prior to the advent of Islam in Somalia. This left them exceptionally vulnerable to attack from the monsters. The Hilib Cunid descended upon the cities and towns of Somalia, disguised as ordinary men and women. Soon, lots of people began to go missing. At first, it was just the poor, the homeless, and the downtrodden. Soon, even people from the wealthier classes began to disappear. The Somali authorities suspected brigands, but the truth was more horrible than they could have imagined.

"Have they returned?" Abdisalam asked, and Asha nodded sagely. As a young woman blessed with the extraordinary powers of the Xamuul Marwada, Asha ventured into the deep desert to challenge the monsters. Armed with a machete, Asha fought and killed numerous monsters, until Dhegdheer, the Demon Queen, came forth to challenge her. After a long, drawn-out battle, Asha proved victorious and decapitated Dhegdheer, ending the Demon Queen's seemingly endless life. For two decades, the monsters were in disarray, and once more feared to tread in the world of Man. Of course, they would eventually return...

"I must battle them once more," Asha said firmly. Abdisalam nodded, and took Asha's hand before bringing it to his lips. Asha grinned, and Abdisalam winked at her. Even after two decades of marriage, her husband was still a hopeless romantic. In deeply patriarchal Somalia, a lot of men took their women for granted. Abdisalam had always treated Asha with love and respect. He owed her his life, after all. The couple had two sons, and a wonderful life together. Too bad the darkness reared its ugly head once more, forcing Asha to take up the fight she'd long put behind her...

"We shall face them together, my love," Abdisalam said firmly, and Asha nodded, and then kissed him. Just like that, the couple began making love. Abdisalam laid Asha on their bed, and admired her curvaceous, downright Amazonian body. Asha had once been tall and willowy, but time, marriage and motherhood transformed her body, making her curvy and sexy in all the right ways. Abdisalam proceeded to lick Asha from her head to her toes. The brother has always worshipped his Somali goddess and wasn't planning on quitting anytime soon...

"Oh yes, Abdi," Asha cooed softly as Abdisalam sucked on her breasts, flicking on the areolas of her nipples. The hungry man saw the effect his lovemaking had on his beloved lady, and continued to work his magic on her. Asha groaned as Abdisalam buried his face between her thick dark thighs, and began eating her out. Asha shuddered as Abdi sucked on her clit and fingered her wet pussy. He was hungry for her, and she opened up to him, welcoming his hungry mouth on her sweet spot. Let the fun really begin...

"You are simply divine, Asha," Abdisalam paused to tell his wife, before putting her on all fours. Asha grinned as her husband playfully smacked her thick derriere. Abdisalam spread Asha's cheeks and began eating her pussy from behind. Asha arched her back and began grinding her big ass against Abdi's face, loving the feel of his slick tongue and agile fingers in her pussy. After stimulating his wife quite nicely, Abdi stroked his long, dark dick and entered her with a swift thrust. Asha gasped as Abdi gripped her wide hips and began fucking her with deep, passionate strokes. This Somali queen loves to fight, but also sometimes needs to be conquered, and Abdi was definitely the right man for the job...

"Oh yes, fuck me, my king," Asha screamed, grinding her big ass against Abdi's groin as he fucked her. Asha was in love with the long and thick Somali dick filling her pussy and if loving it was wrong, then this proud Somali Muslim mama didn't want to be right. Abdi went to town on Asha, spanking her big ass and pulling on her long dark hair as he fucked her. Asha gave back as good as she got, and even made her big booty clap for her husband as he banged her. Abdi couldn't get enough of Asha's big ass undulating under the force of his thrusts. What a woman! They fucked and sucked for hours, until tiredness set in, and they lay there, smiling and pleasurably sore.

As Abdisalam slumbered, exhausted by Asha's savage lovemaking, she got up and dressed. With her face hidden by a cowl, and wearing a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, boots, and a cape, Asha stepped out of the home she'd shared with her husband and sons for decades. Prior to leaving, Asha gently kissed Abdisalam's forehead, taking care not to wake him up. Asha loves her husband Abdisalam dearly, and knows that a more wonderful man couldn't be found anywhere. Still, there are certain things which a woman must do alone, and for Asha, her duty as the Xamuul Marwada, the Lady Sentinel, took precedence over everything else...

For a woman alone, walking the streets of metropolitan Mogadishu at night is a death sentence. There are brigands, gangs, rapists, prowlers and serial killers, to name but a few. On that particular night, though, the human predators were scarce, for there were deadlier things walking the streets of Mogadishu. Things that looked like ordinary men and women, but were clearly something else altogether. When humans encounter monsters in human disguise, they often feel uneasy in their presence, though for the life of them, they couldn't tell you why...

"Where are you going, naag ( woman ), huh?" came a male voice, and Asha turned to face the one who'd spoken. She'd been walking near Beerta Nabadda, the Peace Park, a beautiful and very green public park that was popular with families...during the day. At night, Beerta Nabadda, the lovely park located at the heart of metropolitan Mogadishu, took an altogether menacing and dangerous aspect. Out of the shadows came a young man, flanked by an older man, and a young woman. Anyone looking at them would have thought they were ordinary Somali citizens, perhaps an elderly Somali father and his adult son and adult daughter, out for an evening stroll. Asha wasn't fooled. Those things were clearly not human...

"This one looks delicious," said the young woman, and Asha noticed that she was tall and curvy, and wore a Hijab and robe. The young woman's eyes glowed bright red, and her teeth were sharp fangs. The inhuman trio, confident in their preternatural powers, surrounded Asha and taunted her. It never occurred to them to be scared. Monsters always underestimate humans, especially monsters like these, things that do not age and never get sick, and fancy themselves immortal...

"Come and get it," Asha said, and she pulled her machete from her satchel, and held it in front of her. The monsters laughed, and came for her. All at once they transformed, going from their favorite disguise, that of ordinary men and women, to their true form. They became towering, shaggy, man-shaped monstrosities with glowing red eyes, claws and fangs. As the creatures charged, Asha willed herself to be calm. As the Xamuul Marwada, Asha was stronger and faster than most human beings, but she wasn't twenty anymore. This required careful handling...

"Get her," roared the elder male monster, and the female launched itself at Asha, who swiftly decapitated it with her machete. A howl of shock and fury went up among the two remaining monsters. They looked at their fallen comrade, and then roared at Asha. This time, Asha took the fight to them. With a speed and grace that an Olympic gymnast would envy, Asha leapt into the air, somersaulted, and lashed out with her machete, decapitating the younger male monster. It fell one way and its head landed a few meters away. Landing on her feet, Asha faced the last remaining monster.

"Hellfire awaits you, monster," Asha said, and the monster stepped back, a look of fear and hesitation on its inhuman visage. The monster roared angrily, and then took off. Asha stood there, and after making sure it was truly gone, she walked away. Asha did not bother with the bodies of the slain monsters. Come daytime, they would have turned to dust. That's simply how it works for most monsters. Once they are slain, their bodies turn to dust. That's why most humans have trouble believing in them. There's very little evidence of their existence...

Asha patrolled the streets of Mogadishu until dawn, and then returned to her home, after making sure she wasn't followed. When Asha returned to bed, Abdisalam was still asleep. Asha slipped out of her clothes, and pulled the covers over herself and Abdi, of course. When morning came, Abdi woke up refreshed, but Asha slumbered. Abdi kissed his wife's hand but did not wake her. It's not easy being the husband of a female superhero destined to battle the forces of evil, but someone's got to do it. Abdisalam, who loves Asha more than life itself, is the right man for the job...;u=7992984;u=23414


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